Dubai Health Insurance for Foreigners with Family Visa

Dubai Health Insurance

Within the biggest attractives of the UAE for immigrants is the development for the quality of life. Dubai health insurance is essential for foreigners, due to it being one of the requirements for residing in the emirate. Lack of health insurance might result in a monthly fine of AED 500 (USD 135) and trouble for the renewal of your visa.

In this article, we share with you everything you need to know from Dubai health insurance cost, to the laws it applies and the options the emirate has to offer for foreigners. In addition, we offer you an explanation on the ways in which Dubai health insurance works for different situations.

Health insurance services in Dubai provided by the private sector

The public sector in the UAE offers a high-quality service, although it is a minority inside the system. Statistically, five out of six Dubai clinics are from the private sector.

In the UAE, the government provides free healthcare to its citizens while requiring foreigners to pay for their medical services. Consequently, making the need for health insurance indispensable.

  • Employees must be offered health insurance by employers. Lack of health insurance might result in large fines.
  • Although employers must provide health insurance to their employees, this requirement does not extend to the employees’ families.
  • However, Dubai health insurance law states that entrepreneurs and self-employed immigrants must look for their health insurance by themselves.
  • Health insurance services provided will rely on the insurance plan granted by the company. Due to this, it is important to do proper research on Dubai health insurance online on different kinds of plans evaluating how they adapt to your needs.
  • Employees covered by the EBP, can expect a co-payment of around 20% in Dubai health insurance cost.
  • The Essentials Benefits Plan (EBP) assists foreigners and international citizens on lower salaries by providing affordable primary medical care coverage.
  • Lastly, as long as the foreign worker is working in the country legally, they qualify for health insurance by their Employer. This, according to Dubai health insurance law

Health insurance: Types

Although the range of your health insurance heavily relies on the plan chosen, they are very standardized. Usually, Dubai health insurance corporations’ plans are divided into the same four types.

  • It is important to pick the plan that better adapts to your family and your personal needs to be able to manage medical expenses in Dubai, UAE.
  • In addition to managing medical expenses and avoiding the monthly fine by lack of Dubai health insurance. A provider will guide you through getting proper medical assistance of quality inside the Emirate safely.
  • It is crucial not to miss Dubai health insurance deadlines when relying on your own health insurance to ensure preparedness for emergencies of any kind.

Plan of Essential Benefits

Also known as Essential Benefits Plan (EBP) is the lowest health insurance provided by Dubai health insurance law. This plan covers the following services.

  • Emergencies
  • Essential tests and check-ups in addition to Visits to a General Practitioner.
  • Essential vaccinations
  • Prescription medicines (with a limit on their total value)
  • Physiotherapy sessions (no more than 6 per year)
  • Cancer treatment
  • And Lastly, Pregnancy management and childbirth
  • Some important things to consider when evaluating the EBP are as follows:
  • This plan does not cover Dental care, orthodontics, laser eye surgery, and hearing loss treatment.
  • Although this plan is quite affordable at a range of AED 525-750 (USD 145-205) per year, EBP is only applicable to foreigners with a monthly income of AED 4,000 (USD 1,100) or less and dependents with no income of their own.

Lastly, these are the following documents required for an Essential Benefits Plan

  • A filled out and signed application;
  • A copy of your sponsor’s passport with a residence visa (in case of dependent’s insurance);
  • The insured holder passport, visa, and Emirates ID (or a copy of an application);
  • A salary certificate (for employed persons).

Plan for individuals

While the range of your health insurance heavily depends on the chosen plan, it is highly standardized. Typically, Dubai health insurance corporations divide their plans into the same four types.

  • It is important to pick the plan that better adapts to your family and your personal needs to be able to manage medical expenses in Dubai, UAE.
  • In addition to managing medical expenses and avoiding the monthly fine by lack of Dubai health insurance. A provider will guide you through getting proper medical assistance of quality inside the Emirate safely.
  • In order to be prepared for emergencies of any kind, it is crucial not to miss Dubai health insurance deadlines if you rely on your own health insurance.

Plan for Family

These plans are formulated to provide care for family members collectively. The bigger the family, the higher the cost.

  • Just like the individual plan, family plans are customized based on the requirements of each family.
  • The estimated cost of an essential family plan is around AED 33,500 (USD 9,000).
  • Although bigger families have a higher cost, some plans offer discounts starting at 3 or more members.

Plan for groups

Corporations usually use these Dubai Health insurance type. Here we share with you some of its characteristics:

  • Plans for groups in Dubai usually start to cover around 20 people or more.
  • In addition, these plans offer discounts or additional advantages according to the number of people covered.
  • These plans are also an option for multigenerational families, depending on the offer given by the health insurance provider.

How health insurance in Dubai works

Navigating health insurance in a foreign country might appear confusing. Here, we clarify some key points that might cause confusion.

  • Foreigners must pay for a health card issued via the DHA website. Even without a health card, individuals are entitled to emergency care at a public clinic in case of an emergency. However, this card is important.
  • The approximated cost for a healthcare card as per Dubai Health insurance is between AED 120 to AED 320 (USD 35 to USD 90).
  • Different factors can affect the fee for a healthcare card such as the applicant age.

Emergency assistance

  • The UAE emergency number for ambulances across the Emirates is always 998.

You are able to contact emergency services across the emirates with your Dubai health insurance.

  • Although Local hospitals are equipped and provide emergency care for free, any subsequent interventions must be paid for by the insurance or the holder.
  • Lastly, it is important to respect the Dubai health insurance deadline when making due payments to the provider. This will make sure in emergencies your provider will be able to cover you without any difficulty.

Medical appointments with doctors

Dubai health insurance frequently covers medical appointments in a range of hospitals according to the reach of the Dubai health insurance corporation.

  • Although insurance regularly covers these medical appointments, they may also restrict them to a certain amount.
  • In Dubai’s healthcare system, you need no referral to visit a medical specialist.

Dental healthcare

Dubai healthcare insurance typically does not cover dental health care. EBP more often than not does not include it and individual plans will vary depending on the user’s needs.

  • The importance of choosing a tailored healthcare makes sure to cover your primordial needs as a foreigner.
  • There are add-ons offered by healthcare providers to personalize your plan to your needs.

Dispensing prescription medications at pharmacies

This is a common question for immigrants researching the way that health insurance works inside the UAE.

  • Your health insurance plan can cover purchased medicines up to a certain amount of expense.
  • It is important for the expat holder of a health insurance in Dubai to verify the legality of any prescription made outside of the Emirate. You can do so by checking the website of the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention.

Management of pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth are essential services included in nearly every plan offered for healthcare insurance in Dubai. Individual plans are especially good for this since it can offer a bigger range of services for the wellbeing of the mother and newborn.

  • The management of pregnancy in Dubai UAE does fall into very specific circumstances. The couple must be legally married to get access to pregnancy and fertility healthcare.
  • Pregnant women must be registered in a hospital before the seventh month of pregnancy.
  • The insurance hold is expected to pay a percentage of the bill out of pocket.
  • The mother’s insurance insures the newborn baby for the first thirty days after birth.

Health insurance in Dubai: Pros and Cons

Although Dubai health insurance offers multiple benefits and results very accessible for immigrants. It is important to properly evaluate the pros and cons of this aspect.

Multiple foreigners choose to hire an international insurance policy for budget and practicality. Researching dubai health insurance online carefully will help to a process of adjusting to the UAE day-to-day more easily.

Some of the pros offered by Dubai Health insurance include:

  • High Quality in equipment and treatments available.
  • Tailored service to adapt your plans to your needs.
  • Legislation for employers that makes sure each worker has access to, at least, EBP.
  • Efficacy in service and healthcare response.

In addition, we share with you some cons to Dubai health insurance system in the UAE:

  • It is challenging for insurance plans to cover counseling services.
  • Large fines consequently of lacking health insurance.
  • EBP excludes essential services of healthcare such as dental care and eyesight checkups.


The UAE develops an attractive atmosphere for expats looking to explore new opportunities in different areas. Due to legislation and different parameters, the Emirates take close care of its immigrant population.

In Dubai, healthcare services boast advanced and high-quality treatment and equipment, garnering global attention. The Emirate has strict policies requiring all of its population to be holders of Health insurance plans. This includes a fine for those who fail to acquire their health insurance in Dubai UAE.

Do you want to learn more about the process of setting up your life In Dubai? Check our blog section! If you want guidance on the process of settle yourself in the UAE, contact us!

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