UAE Transit Visa – All About It

UAE Transit Visa

If you are an expatriate and want to unleash about the UAE transit visa then it’s the right place to know about it. It is a unique document designed for travelers who are transiting through the UAE. The transit visa is useful for those with extended layovers in the United Arab Emirates, allowing them to step out of the airport and explore the local culture, and experience the UAE’s hospitality.

In this article: We will discuss its purpose We share the benefits of obtaining a UAE transit visa, and How it facilitates smoother travel for transit passengers. We will also touch upon its application process and other related aspects.

Visa Requirement for Transit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Types of UAE Transit Visa

The UAE transit visas are of two types:

One for 48 hours, which is free of charge, and Another is for 96 hours, which costs AED 50. Only UAE-based airlines sponsor these visas and must be processed and approved before entering the UAE. Through a UAE-based airline, expatriates can apply for the UAE Transit Visa in advance.

Some countries are not allowed to apply for UAE transit visas such as the Nationals of Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Niger, and Yemen. It is essential to check the nationality requirements before planning your UAE transit

Who is Exempt From Dubai Transit Visa?

Indeed, you heard it right. You will be excluded in the event that you have a place with a specific identity on the grounds that the requirement for a travel visa shifts in light of the explorer’s ethnicity. The UAE government excluded specific identities it implies that they don’t need a Dubai Travel Visa and this occurs because of respective arrangements between both the nations.

The Nationals from Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, or Saudi Arabia can undoubtedly enter any emirates in the UAE including Dubai without a visa, permitting these nationals to enter the UAE by having their visa or ID.

Certain countries enjoy entering the UAE with no hurdles in obtaining a visa. On the other hand, expatriates from Mexico may enter the UAE without a visa for up to 180 days.

Moreover, the nationals from EU part states, Iceland, Honduras, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, Russia, Holy person Vincent Grenadines, and Switzerland can enter the UAE without a visa for as long as 90 days.

Nationals from Argentina, Barbados, Brazil, Chile, Nauru, Paraguay, Serbia, Solomon Islands, Seychelles, and Uruguay might enter the UAE without a visa for as long as 90 days.

Residents from China, Japan, and Ukraine might enter the UAE without a visa for as long as 30 days.

Documents Need for a Transit Visa?

Several documents needed when applying for a UAE Transit Visa

Fill out an airport transit visa application form. This form requires basic information about you, your travel plans, and your reason for transiting through the UAE.

Provide your passport as it is important to note that your passport must have at least six month of validity and blank pages. The purpose is to ensure that there is enough space for the visa stamp and that your passport will not expire during your transit.

Provide passport identity pictures. It should be recent and meet the specific size and format requirements.

Travel health insurance documents are also crucial to obtain. It should cover any medical expenses during your transit. To protect both the traveler and the country, it is a safety net that many countries require.

Provide a travel ticket to your destination country. It proves that you plan to leave the UAE after your transit. Sometimes you may also need to provide a visa for your destination country.

Provide financial evidence that you can support your trip, it could be bank statements, employment documents, or any other proof of funds.

The requirements for a transit visa can vary depending on your nationality and the specific rules of the UAE. Therefore, it is always a good idea to check with the UAE embassy or consulate in your home country or with your airline for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

What Type of Visa Do I Need?

Planning a trip that involves transiting through the United Arab Emirates? Then you should know the type of visa you will need. The transit visa for UAE is designed for travelers passing through the airport of the United Arab Emirates before reaching their final destination.

There are two types of visas the UAE government provides:

  1. 48-hour transit visa: The 48-hour transit visa is free of charge and is ideal for travelers who have a short layover in the UAE and would like to step out of the airport to explore the local attractions.
  2. 96-hour transit visa: A 96-hour transit visa costs AED 50 and is suitable for travelers who have a longer layover and wish to take advantage of the opportunity to explore the UAE in more depth.

If you want to get any of the visas then you must know that both types of transit visas are sponsored only by UAE-based airlines; it means you must apply for your transit visa through the airline with which you are traveling. Your visa application will be processed by UAE airlines and on getting approval you will be allowed to enter the UAE.

How to Apply for a UAE Transit Visa?

Going to apply for a UAE transit visa? There are several steps involved in applying for a UAE Transit Visa:

  1. The first step in applying for a UAE Transit Visa is to complete your bookings, including booking your flight to your final destination.
  2. After ticket bookings now visit the website of the UAE-based airline you are traveling with. Most airlines have a section on their website dedicated to visa applications.
  3. Now apply for a transit visa on the online website. Click on this option to start your visa application process.
  4. Fill out an application form providing basic information about yourself, travel plans, and reason for transiting through the UAE.
  5. Now, you will need to submit some documents, including your passport, travel health insurance, passport identity pictures, travel ticket to your destination country, and financial evidence that you can support your trip.
  6. It will take time to approve after submitting your application. It takes three to four days.

Who can Support a UAE Travel Visa?

Sponsorship is given only by UAE-based airlines, and that implies that the carrier with which you are voyaging is liable for orchestrating your travel visa. The sponsorship interaction starts when you book your trip with a UAE-based carrier. When your booking is affirmed, the aircraft will start the visa application process for your benefit. The aircraft then, at that point, presents your application to the important visa-giving experts in the UAE. These specialists audit your application and, whenever endorsed, issue your travel visa.

It is essential to take note of the fact that the sponsorship for a UAE Travel Visa isn’t simply a custom. The supporting aircraft is additionally liable for guaranteeing that you agree with the provisions of your visa. This incorporates guaranteeing that you leave the UAE inside the legitimacy time of your travel visa.

How Royal Visa Can Help You to Get a UAE Transit Visa?

We at Royal Visa are an eminent specialist co-op. We can help you in getting a UAE Travel Visa. Having a team with broad information and involvement with visa handling, we can direct you through the application interaction of realizing what is travel visa, guaranteeing a smooth and bother free insight.

We help you with definite data about the vital reports, the application interaction, and the expenses in question.

Royal Visa can help you in finishing up the application structure. Guarantees that all the data you give is exact and finish, lessening the possibilities that blunders or exclusions will prompt dismissal of your application.

We help you in presenting your application to the pertinent specialists while guaranteeing opportune accommodation of your application and circles back to your application status. Moreover, we answer any inquiries you might have and give you refreshes on your application status.

How long UAE Transit Visa is valid?

A UAE Travel visa has an authenticity of 14 days from the date of issuance, and it ought to be utilized inside that period. In any case, upon appearance in the UAE, your visit is limited to either 48 hours or 96 hours, dependent upon the sort of Movement Visa procured.

There are two sorts of UAE Travel Visas: a 48-hour visa and a 96-hour visa. As their names propose, these visas are significant for 48 hours and 96 hours, independently. It is vital for observe that the authenticity period begins from the preview of entry into the UAE.

The two kinds of travel visas are not extendable, it implies that once you enter the UAE, you should leave inside the legitimacy time of your travel visa.

What is the Duration of Stay Permitted in the UAE with a Transit Visa?

The UAE plans the Travel Visa to work with momentary stays for voyagers traveling through the nation’s air terminals. The length of stay licenses with this visa relies intently upon the kind gave.

There are two kinds of UAE Travel Visas: a 48-hour visa and a 96-hour visa. As their names propose, these visas license a stay in the UAE for 48 hours and 96 hours, separately. It is vital to take note of that the clock begins ticking the second you enter the UAE.

Can you Extend a UAE Transit Visa?

With regards to understanding the Travel Visa significance in the UAE, quite possibly of the most well-known request voyagers have is whether it tends to be broadened. To put it plainly, the response is no. The UAE Travel Visa is a transient visa planned explicitly for voyagers going through the UAE’s air terminals in transit to their last objective.

There are two sorts of UAE Travel Visas: a 48-hour visa and a 96-hour visa. The two visas start when you enter the UAE. This implies that once you enter the UAE, you should leave inside the legitimacy time of your travel visa.

When migration issues you a 48-hour visa, you can’t extend it to 96 hours. This is on the grounds that the UAE Travel Visa is intended to work with momentary stays in the UAE for voyagers traveling through the nation’s air terminals.

UAE Transit Visa Cost

While arranging an outing that includes traveling through the Unified Bedouin Emirates, it is vital to consider the expense of the UAE Travel Visa. Visa expense depends on the length of the visa delay in the UAE.

As previously mentioned the two types of visa, now we discuss the cost of a visa when it is delayed. The cost of a 96-hour visa costs again AED 50.

These visa expenses are non-refundable. Once you pay for your visa, you can’t get your cash back, regardless of whether your itinerary items change.

The UAE charges a takeoff charge of AED 30. This expense is collected on every traveler going through the UAE travel visa’s air terminals.


Royal Visa is a name in the UAE to provide and help expatriates who want to get transit visa in no time. Along with the visa services, we are well known to offer assistance who only need advice. We are reaching new heights in helping individuals by making efforts to support foreigners with the visa process. If you need any help regarding the visa approval and find it hard to obtain visa, reach us at your earliest. We offer transitvisas of all types whether it be a 48 hours visa or 96 hour visa.

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