Green Visa in Dubai: Your Path to UAE Residency

Green Visa in Dubai_ Your Path to UAE Residency

Whether you are aiming to contribute to the city’s economic vitality or embark on a new professional venture; the Green Visa in Dubai serves as the ideal entry route for skilled professionals, entrepreneurs, investors, and freelancers.

In this article, you will find a guide offering a detailed overview of the Green visa application procedure, qualifications, and essential documentation. From understanding the intricacies of investment approvals and recognizing the importance of the medical fitness evaluation and Emirates ID acquisition; you will learn how to make the most of the opportunities presented by the Green Visa program in Dubai.

Unlocking Opportunities: A Guide to the Dubai Green Visa

The Green Visa program in Dubai presents an exclusive chance for skilled professionals, freelancers, and investors to obtain a 5-year residency permit without requiring a local sponsor or employer. This innovative initiative affords individuals the flexibility to reside and work in Dubai; cultivating a fruitful environment for both business and personal growth.

With efficient application procedures and online services, the Green Visa offers an appealing choice for individuals looking for extended residency in Dubai; further contributing the city’s diverse and vibrant workforce.

What are the Green Visa and Why Should You consider it for Dubai?

The Green visa in the UAE is a residency visa that enables individuals to sponsor themselves for a period of 5 years; removing the requirement for a UAE national or employer to act as their sponsor. This visa aims to attract skilled professionals, retain outstanding talents, and promote new investments in the country to foster economic prosperity.

The Green visa in Dubai is open to freelancers, self-employed individuals, skilled workers, investors, and partners; providing long-term residency and greater advantages compared to the regular residence visa. Moreover, Green Visa holders have the option to sponsor their immediate family members; allowing them to bring their families to the UAE.

1. Benefits of the Green Visa for Skilled Professionals and Investors

The UAE’s Green visa provides a wide range of benefits for skilled professionals and investors; with the goal of attracting outstanding talents and fostering economic expansion.

  • Firstly, the Green visa offers a five-year residency pathway for skilled professionals, freelancers, investors, and entrepreneurs; enabling them to reside and work in the UAE alongside their families
  • Moreover, the Green visa allows holders to self-sponsor for a period of five years; removing the requirement for sponsorship by a UAE national or employer. This grants them greater autonomy and flexibility in their work and residency in the UAE.
  • Additionally, the visa provides longer, more flexible grace periods, allowing individuals to stay in the UAE for up to six months after its expiration. This implies that the Green visa offers a 90 to 180-day timeframe for the renewal of documents, rather than the typical 30-day period; which contributes to stability and growth within the country.
  • Not to mention, the Green visa in Dubai allows the sponsorship of sons up to the age of 25 and unmarried daughters, regardless of their age; offering enhanced benefits to visa holders and their families compared to the standard residence visa. This encompasses the ability to sponsor children, spouses, and parents. Furthermore, children with special needs can be sponsored without any age restrictions; and the validity of family members’ visas is linked to the primary applicant’s visa.

Together, these benefits are designed to draw in and keep skilled professionals, entrepreneurs, and investors, offering them the flexibility and advantages to reside and work in the UAE for an extended duration.

2. Eligibility Criteria for Applying for a Green Visa in Dubai

Regarding the Green visa UAE eligibility, individuals are required to meet particular criteria related to their professional status and credentials. Here’s an overview of the eligibility requirements:

  • Skilled workers who meet the specific requirements are eligible to apply for a 5-year Green Visa in Dubai. They need to possess a valid employment contract; and fall within the first, second, or third occupational level according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE). Additionally, they should hold at least a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent, and earn a minimum salary of 15,000 AED.
  • In addition, entrepreneurs, investors, and business partners have the opportunity to apply for the Green visa in Dubai. Investors must provide evidence of their investment and obtain approval for their investment from the appropriate local authorities. Moreover, the visa is suitable for potential investors who establish a new company or engage in business activities.
  • Furthermore, freelancers and individuals who are self-employed can also qualify for the Green visa. They are required to submit certain documents, including evidence of a rental agreement or proof of property ownership; as well as a copy of the sponsor’s passport with a valid residence permit.
  • Not to mention, there is no the requirement for a UAE national or employer to act as their visa sponsor; as the Green visa enables individuals to self-sponsor themselves for a period of 5 years. Green visa holders have the privilege of residing and working in the UAE with their family members, presenting a valuable opportunity.
  • The application for the Green visa, UAE, can be completed in person or you can apply online. With an approximate processing duration of 2-3 months, the visa can be renewed for the same duration upon its expiration.

Explore Your Options: Types of Green Visas Available in Dubai

In Dubai, there are several types of Green visas available, each tailored to specific groups of people. These visas aim to attract and contribute to the economic growth and sustainability efforts in the UAE.

Each category of Green visa presents its unique benefits and criteria, granting individuals the opportunity to easily reside and work in Dubai. The types of Green visas encompass visas for skilled workers, entrepreneurs and investors, freelancers and self-employed individuals; as well as investors and business partners.

Skilled employees with a valid employment agreement and specific qualifications have the opportunity to request a 5-year Green visa. Similarly, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and self-employed individuals who meet specific requirements can qualify for the Green visa. Furthermore, investors and business partners engaged in commercial activities can apply for the Green visa; granting them extended residency in the UAE.

Green Visa for High-Level Skilled Workers

The Green visa initiative in Dubai for high-level skilled workers provides numerous benefits; making it a compelling choice for professionals aiming for prolonged residency and career prospects in Dubai.

Likewise, skilled workers have the right to obtain a green residency permit allowing them to live in the UAE; without requiring a sponsor or employer for a duration of five years. This permit can be extended for a similar period or multiple periods under the same terms as the initial issuance.

1. Requirements and Application Process

To secure a High-Level Skilled Worker permit, individuals need to possess an approved employment conctract from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE); or from government, semi-governmental, and free zone entities.

High-level employees seeking this visa must meet particular requirements, such as having a valid employment contract, being categorized in the first, second, or third job level by the MOHRE, and possessing a bachelor’s degree or an equivalent qualification. Additionally, skilled employees must show a minimum monthly income of 15,000 AED or its foreign currency equivalent.

The Green visa service is available at all times via the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) website; as well as during the official operating hours at each service center. Authorized service providers, like Al Marwa Documents Clearing Services L.L.C, can additionally assist in obtaining the visa.

Furthermore, you have the option to complete the Dubai work visa process online. To apply involves submission of essential documents, including the employment contract, academic certifications, and proof of income. The fee for the Green visa work visa is 200 AED, along with a 5% value-added tax. The total visa cost varies based on the sponsored individual’s situation or additional factors; and further fees may apply if the sponsored person is already within the country

Green Visa for Self-Employed Individuals

The Green visa in UEA offers individuals with self-employment with a unique opportunity to acquire a 5-year residency permit. This special visa not only allows them the freedom to reside and work in the dynamic environment of the UAE; but also provides them with a range of benefits that contribute to their professional and personal development.

 1. Obtaining a Self-Employment Permit

To qualify for the Green visa as a self-employed individual, certain conditions need to be fulfilled:

  • First, self-employed individuals seeking to apply for a Green visa UAE must obtain a self-employment permit from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE).
  • In order to do so, they must complete an application that meets all requirements; and submit it to the customer service representative along with the payment of the work visa fee. The estimated cost of the fee is 200 AED, plus the applicable value-added tax. Additional fees may apply if the sponsored person is already within the country.
  • Additionally, they must possess at least a bachelor’s degree, specialized diploma, or its equivalent level of education.
  • Furthermore, you must demonstrate a yearly self-employment income of at least 360,000 AED for the preceding two years; or its equivalent in foreign currencies. Alternatively, they can present evidence of financial stability for the duration of their residency in the UAE.
  • You can extend the permit for a similar period or multiple periods, subject to the same conditions as those at the initial issuance.

Self-employed individuals can submit Green visa applications in accordance with the guidelines of the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs & Port Security (ICP) via their official website.

2. Green Visa Application for Freelancers in Dubai

You need to fulfill specific requirements and follow the application process outlined by the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs & Port Security (ICP) in order to obtain the Green Visa as a freelancer in Dubai.

  • First, obtain a Freelance Work Permit. Freelancers and self-employed individuals are eligible to apply for the Green visa; but they must acquire a freelance work permit from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MOHRE).
  • Additionally, just like the self-employment permit, you must provide evidence of an annual income of 360,000 AED for the past two years; as well as proof of financial stability throughout your period of residence.
  • Finally, complete and submit your application along with the necessary fee. The estimated fee for the Green Visa is 2,280 AED, not including the ID card and medical fees. The total cost may differ based on the number of dependents under the visa holder’s sponsorship.

Green Visa for Investors and Partners

The Green visa, tailored for investors and business partners in the UAE, serves as a strategic initiative to attract individuals involved in commercial activities; thereby granting them the stability and benefits of prolonged residency within the country.

It is designed to foster a fruitful environment for economic growth and prosperity; allowing investors and business partners to contribute to the country’s development while enjoying the security and privileges associated with long-term residency.

1. Investing in Dubai: Requirements for the Green Visa

The UAE grants the Green visa to individuals who are involved in establishing or taking part in commercial activities. This visa replaces the former residence visa that applied to them, which had a validity of only 2 years.

The requirements involve obtaining approval from the Investment Corporation of Dubai (ICP) based on the investor’s rating system, and providing evidence of the investment. If the investor or business partner holds multiple licenses, we will assess the combined invested capital.

Investors and business partners qualify for a 5-year residency; offering an extended duration for them to reside and work in the UAE without requiring a sponsor or employer to support their visa. You can renew the permit for subsequent similar periods under the same terms and conditions as the initial issuance.

Applying for the Green Visa in Dubai

Applying for a Green Visa in Dubai follows a methodical procedure intended to meet specific requirements. This includes submitting essential paperwork according to the specific visa category; whether it relates to skilled employees, entrepreneurs, investors, freelancers, self-employed individuals, or investors and partners.

The application process might involve presenting proof of qualifications, investment endorsements, financial stability, and other pertinent information. Furthermore, applicants often need to undergo a medical fitness assessment and acquire an Emirates ID as part of the application procedure.

Obtaining expert advice and staying updated on the most recent regulations are crucial for a seamless and successful Green Visa application in Dubai.

Documents Required for a Green Visa Application

The documentation needed for a Green visa application in Dubai can vary based on the particular visa type and individual situation. However, it generally includes the following essential documents:

  • Immigrant Petition. A sponsoring individual, or entity, typically submits an immigrant petition on the applicant’s behalf. In certain instances, the applicant may be eligible to file for themselves.
  • Green Card Application Form (I-485). Completing the Green Card application form, also known as Form I-485, is necessary. This form, officially named the Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, is a fundamental component of the application process.
  • Financial Support Form (I-864). Applicants might need to provide Form I-864 (Affidavit of Support) to demonstrate adequate means of financial support; as well as independence from relying on the government for financial support.
  • Supporting Documentation. Diverse supporting documents; such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, financial records, immigration violation histories, police clearance certificates, and medical examination documents may be required.
  • Biometrics Appointment. Applicants typically need to attend a biometrics appointment to provide fingerprints, photos, and a signature.
  • The application process may include a personal interview, where the reviewing officials will assess the applicant’s case.

Applying for the Green Visa: A Step-by-Step Guide

When applying for the Green Visa, individuals must follow a series of crucial steps. First, the sponsor must file the Immigrant Petition. In some cases, this is not necessary; since the applicant may be eligible to file for themselves.

Checking visa availability is essential. Before submitting the Green Card application, it is important to ensure that a visa is accessible within the applicant’s category. Following that, the applicants must attend their biometrics appointment. This involves providing fingerprints, a signature, and passport-sized photos.

Finally, applicants go through an interview as part of the application process; in order to have the relevant authorities review their documentation. Upon finishing the required procedures, applicants receive a final decision on their application. This is when they receive the notification of approval.

 1. Obtaining an Entry Permit

Securing an entry permit for Dubai requires completing multiple steps.

  • First, you must identify your entry permit type based on the purpose of your visit, whether it is for short-term or long-term stays, single or multiple entries, employment, investment, or other purposes.
  • Then, you can request entry permits through different avenues, such as the online platforms of the ICP and the GDRFA; as well as through apps like the ICP App and Dubai Now. Additionally, typing centers offer support for offline Dubai Green visa applications.
  • Prospective visitors applying for entry permits must possess a valid passport for a minimum of six months. Depending on the particular entry permit type you are seeking, you may also need to provide additional documentation.
  • Additionally, the expenses related to acquiring an entry permit may vary depending on the type of permit and personal situation. For instance, the overall cost for an entry permit, change of status, and stamping in Dubai is approximately 2,800 AED; encompassing the entry permit, change of status, and stamping. All of this is part of the general Green visa Dubai’s price.
  • Entry permits usually have a limited validity, and it is crucial to secure residency within this timeframe. The renewal process for entry permits is similar to the initial application procedure, and it is a streamlined process.
  • Lastly, seeking professional advice and using the services provided by local specialists can facilitate the procedure of acquiring an entry permit in Dubai.

 2. Medical Fitness Test and Emirates ID

To acquire a Green Visa in Dubai, individuals must undergo a medical fitness examination and obtain an Emirates ID.

For the medical fitness test:

  • You can carry out the medical fitness examination and get it approved by medical fitness facilities in Dubai; including Smart Salem, Al Muhaisnah Medical Fitness Center, JLT Medical Fitness Center, and others. Select locations offer VIP screening, and you can also conduct the test at Disease Prevention and Screening Centers in Abu Dhabi.
  • Then, for the medical fitness examination, individuals usually need to present a copy of their entry permit or residence visa, their original passport, a clear photograph, and an original Emirates ID in case of a renewal.
  • The medical fitness examination typically includes a physical check-up, blood test, and chest X-ray to screen for different illnesses. The test costs approximately 700 AED, and the results are usually ready within 30 minutes.

For the Emirates ID:

  • Upon finishing the medical fitness examination, individuals can apply for an Emirates ID.
  • First-time applicants for the Emirates ID application need to undergo fingerprint scanning. You can carry out both the medical test and fingerprint scans for the Emirates ID at the same location; such as Al Karama Medical Fitness Center in Dubai.
  • The overall fees for issuing the Emirates ID have recently increased, with the cost now ranging from 370 AED to 385 AED; depending on the duration of validity and offering choices for 1, 2, or 3 years. Additionally, there are specific fees for different nationalities, such as 100 AED for UAE residents, 100 AED for GCC nationals; as well as different charges apply to expatriates, in addition to extra services and printing office fees.

Living and Working in Dubai with a Green Visa

Living and working in Dubai with a Green Visa presents many benefits for skilled professionals, freelancers, and investors. The 5-year residency permit offers significant flexibility and independence, as it does not require a local sponsor or employer.

This allows individuals to engage in entrepreneurial activities, freelance work, or employment with different organizations; all without the limitations of conventional sponsorship agreements.

Furthermore, Green Visa holders can sponsor their immediate family members; creating a unified and supportive living environment in the dynamic city of Dubai. The simplified application process and online services also increase the ease of obtaining and managing residency, making it an attractive choice for individuals seeking to build a lasting presence in Dubai.

Sponsoring Family Members

Sponsoring family members for a Green Visa in Dubai is a significant benefit of the visa application process.

The process involves requesting the UAE residence visa for the family through the ICP. The applicant can submit the visa application through the ICP Smart Services website, the ICP mobile app, or approved typing centers.

Meeting the precise criteria and providing the required documents is crucial for effectively sponsoring family members for a Green Visa in Dubai.

Among the most pressing requirements is the employed expatriate resident must earn a minimum salary currently set at 20,000 AED to sponsor parents. Furthermore, it is necessary to have a medical insurance plan for parents that meets the minimum coverage requirements, with an annual renewal.

The essential documents to sponsor a spouse and children include an application form; which can be filled out online or at an authorized typing office. The family’s residency permits are associated with the sponsoring family member’s residency permit; If the sponsoring family member’s visa is revoked, the dependents’ visas also require cancellation.

Additionally, a foreign resident can sponsor stepchildren, provided they meet the conditions established by GDRFA. These conditions include a deposit for each child and a written no-objection certificate from the biological parent. The residence visas for stepchildren are valid for one year and can be renewed on an annual basis.

The overall cost of the visa varies depending on the application details, and the sponsor is required to make a security deposit. The estimated cost breakdown encompasses application fees, issuance fees, e-services fees, ICP fees, and smart services fee, amounting to 350AED. When applying for visas, individuals have the choice to make payments using a debit or credit card; offering convenience for settling family visa expenses in Dubai.

Long-Term Residency and Visa Renewal

Long-term residency and streamlined renewal of the Green visa in Dubai provides individuals with the chance to secure stability and continuity in the United Arab Emirates.

The Green Visa, designed for freelancers, self-employed individuals, and skilled employees, offers a renewable residency permit for a maximum of 5 years; removing the requirement for a UAE national or employer to act as the visa sponsor.

Additionally, recent updates have introduced the option to issue residency visas for 5 and 10 years more, subject to particular conditions. Renewing the Green Visa is generally uncomplicated, enabling holders to prolong their residency for the same duration upon its expiration.

The increased flexibility and the opportunity for long-term residency make the Green Visa an appealing choice for individuals looking to establish a lasting presence in Dubai and the UAE.

Considering Alternative Visa Options in Dubai

When contemplating different visa choices in Dubai, individuals have various avenues to consider depending on their specific situations and objectives.

  • For those looking for entrepreneurial prospects, the Dubai Entrepreneur Visa presents an avenue for launching and overseeing a business in the city; providing a straightforward path to securing long-term residency.
  • Similarly, the Freelance Visa is designed for professionals who favor independent work; enabling them to work as freelancers while living in Dubai and including all the benefits it entails.
  • Additionally, the Retirement Visa is tailored for individuals who wish to experience their retirement in the vibrant and diverse setting of Dubai.

By thoughtfully assessing these alternative visa options, individuals can pinpoint the most fitting route to fulfill their residency and lifestyle goals in Dubai.

Standard Employment Visa vs. Green Visa

The difference between a Standard Employment Visa and a Green Visa in the UAE depends on their eligibility requirements and distinct purposes:

  • The UAE usually grants a Standard Employment Visa for a period of two years; and requires sponsorship by an employer in the public or private sector.
  • On the other hand, the Green Visa, aimed at skilled workers, freelancers, and self-employed individuals, provides an extended residence permit for up to 5 years; removing the requirement for a sponsor from the UAE or an employer to support the visa. Moreover, it allows for visa renewal, offering increased flexibility and the potential for long-term residency. This makes it an appealing choice for individuals seeking prolonged presence in Dubai and the UAE.

Finding the Right Visa for Your Needs in Dubai

In order to select the right visa for your needs in Dubai; it is crucial to take into account your individual situation and the purpose of your visit. Whether you’re organizing a trip, seeking employment, or exploring investment prospects, understanding your visa options is important.

For tourists, they should make sure to verify if a visa is required and how the application process works; taking into consideration the length and intention of the visit as well as the channels through which they can obtain it.

Those looking for employment or residency should search the different visa classifications; such as the Green Visa for skilled professionals, freelancers, and investors, and the Standard Employment Visa sponsored by an employer.

Additionally, applicants can take advantage of the support offered by official organizations such as the ICP and the GDRFA Dubai; in order to obtain clear information on visa requirements and application procedures. Seeking guidance from reliable sources and understanding the specific criteria for each visa type is essential in selecting the suitable visa for your requirements in Dubai.



What is the Dubai Green Visa?

The Dubai Green Visa is a type of residence visa that enables holders to sponsor themselves for a 5-year duration; removing the requirement for a UAE national or employer to act as the sponsor. Tailored for skilled employees, freelancers, and self-employed individuals, this visa category provides an infinitely renewable residence permit. The introduction of the Green Visa aims to retain skilled workers, attract exceptional talents, and encourage new investments in the country to drive economic growth.

The process of applying for the visa is quite simple; with the visa fee estimated to around 2280 AED and processing typically taking 2-3 months. The Green Visa enables individuals and their family members to live and work in the UAE; providing them with benefits and flexibility within the country.

 Who is eligible for the Dubai Green Visa?

Eligibility for the Dubai Green Visa covers various categories, such as skilled workers, freelancers, investors, and business owners. Below are the precise eligibility requirements for the Green Visa:

  • Individuals aiming for the Green Visa under the “Skilled Employee” category must fulfill specific criteria; such as having a valid employment agreement, falling into the first, second, or third job level according to the MoHRE, possessing at least a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent, and earning a minimum salary of 15,000 AED.
  • Freelancers and self-employed individuals also qualify for the Green Visa; and must submit particular documentation to support their application.
  • Additionally, those establishing or engaging in business activities in the UAE are eligible for the Green Visa as well. They are required to meet specific criteria, including providing evidence and obtaining approval for their investment.

How can I qualify for a Green Visa as a freelancer in Dubai?

To be eligible for a Green Visa as a freelancer in Dubai, you must fulfill certain requirements.

  • First, you need to acquire a freelance work permit from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MOHRE).
  • Then, submit proof of self-employment income for the past two years, totaling at least 360,000 AED annually; or demonstrate financial stability for the duration of your stay in the UAE.
  • Afterwards, submit the Green Visa application in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs & Port Security (ICP) through their website.

The Green Visa application essentially acts as a work entry visa; enabling freelancers and professionals to reside in Dubai for 60 days from entry until the completion of the essential residency permit procedures.

Do I need a local sponsor to get a Green Visa as a freelancer?

As a freelancer in Dubai, you do not need to have a local sponsor to acquire a Green Visa. The Green Visa is designed to enable skilled individuals, such as freelancers, to self-sponsor a 5-year residency permit; this without the need for a local sponsor or employer.

This grants freelancers the flexibility to reside and work in the UAE without relying on a conventional sponsor; thus providing increased independence and opportunities for self-employment and entrepreneurship.

 Can I sponsor my family on a Green Visa?

As a Green Visa holder in Dubai, you have the authorization to sponsor your immediate family members in the UAE. This includes the option to initiate the application for your family’s UAE residence visa through the ICP.

You can complete the visa application via the ICP Smart Services website, the ICP app, or an authorized typing center. Typically, the processing time for sponsoring family members ranges from two to three weeks. Additionally, the cost of a family visa in Dubai is consistent with that of other regions in the country; and the entire process can be conducted online.

It is important to highlight that the ability to sponsor family members is a significant benefit of the Green Visa program; offering individuals the chance to reside and work in Dubai while also being able to bring their families to the UAE.

What are the fees associated with the Green Visa?

The fees and overall expenses associated with the Dubai Green Visa are as follows:

  • The estimated fee for the green visa in Dubai is 2280 AED.
  • For a single person, the application process will amount to 335.75 AED; excluding the expenses for the ID and any extra medical fees. If you are present in the UAE at the time the permit is issued, you will need to pay an additional 650 AED for the status change within the country.
  • The complete expense of the UAE Green Visa includes both government fees and service charges, totaling 4900 AED. These fees cover the application process and the related expenses for securing the Green Visa.

Where can I apply for a Green Visa in Dubai?

First, you need to access the official website of the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA).

Afterward, navigate to the ‘Services’ section and choose ‘Entry Permits’. Then, select ‘Entry Permit Services’ to reach the ‘New Entry Permit for Green Residence’ option.

Finally, you will see a list of all the eligible categories for the UAE Green Visa.

Additionally, you can complete the application online, or you can apply at the Customer Happiness Centre or Amer Service Centre in Dubai. If you are applying from a different country, you will require an entry permit; such as a temporary work permit valid for two months. If you are currently in the UAE on a tourist visa you will need to modify your visa status; a process that can be done by reaching out to the registration authorities

These steps lay out the process for Green Visa application in Dubai; offering a straightforward route for individuals aiming to secure this residency permit.

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